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HRC Perpanjang Kontrak Dani Pedrosa Hingga Akhir 2016, Lorenzo mringis ? 9 Juli 2014

Posted by ipanase in ahm, honda, info otomotif, motogp, motogp GOSSIP, otomotif, pertamax7, sepeda motor.
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pertamamx7.com, confirmed, dani pedrosa sudah deal kontrak bersama team Honda Repsol Motogp , kontraknya sama dengan marc marquez, yakni perpanjang hingga 2 tahun mendatang


hal tersebut merupakan kabar gembira untuk kita semua, dan sebenarnya kabar ini sudah bisa ditebak sejak gosip kemaren, ya to?

nggak perlu banyak yang dibahas, nih press releasenya dalam bahasa inggris tentunya di motogp.com, press release panjangnya lagi di cari 😀

Honda Racing Corporation is pleased to officially announce an agreement has been reached with Dani Pedrosa that will see the Spanish rider remain in the factory Honda team for a further two years, until the end of 2016.

Pedrosa, who currently lies third in the World Championship – level on points with second placed Valentino Rossi – as the season reaches the halfway point, will extend his contract with Honda with whom he has raced in the World Championship since 2001.

Pedrosa is a three time World Champion (2003 in 125cc, 2004 and 2005 in 250cc) and made his debut in MotoGP™ in 2006 in the Repsol Honda Team, claiming the Rookie of the Year title and fifth position in the Championship. He has been both runner up and third in the premier class on six occasions (three each).

Shuhei Nakamoto, HRC Executive Vice President, commented, “We are very pleased to renew our contract with Dani. He is enjoying a very strong season and is currently tied with Rossi in the Championship, we are very happy with his performance. The partnership of Dani and Marc (Marquez) has proven to be successful and we look forward to another two years of success.”

Pedrosa added, “I’m very happy to be able to announce my renewal with the Repsol Honda Team, and grateful to Honda for the trust they have shown in me for a further two years. It’s the best way for me to continue in my racing career, together with the company I was with in my very first race. I am very excited to give my 100% and continue to work together with everyone at Honda Racing Corporation.”

pedrosa sangat senang dapat mengumumkan perpanjangan kntraknya dengan repsol honda team, melanjutkan karier balap dan bersama dengan pabrikan yang telah membersarkannya sejak awal balap. pedrosa akan memberikan 100 persen kemampuannya dan melanjutkan kerjasamanya dengan seriap orang di HRC ##

posisi HRC sudah diisi kembali oleh duo alien spanyol, bagaimana dengan lorenzo? ya mringis kalau ke HRC, dan katanya sih masih akan tetap di Movistar yamaha motogp, untuk 1 tahun kedepan..

smeoag berguna gan.. salam satu jantung


1. bikers koplak - 9 Juli 2014

Duo honda memang mantap


2. bikers koplak - 9 Juli 2014



3. bikers koplak - 9 Juli 2014



4. bikers koplak - 9 Juli 2014

Borong podium


5. akrilikpromosi - 9 Juli 2014

siap ngebut! wuuuzzzzz ….


6. YAKSON - 9 Juli 2014

hm balapan yg bs di tebak, jajal mm93 ke yamaha baru sebuah pembuktian klau talenta mm 93 ngk cm di motor nya


7. bikers koplak - 9 Juli 2014

Kalau mm93 ke yamaha keenakan yamaha lah,honda capek” mendidik mm93 kok yamaha tinggal ngambil buahnya


8. farid - 9 Juli 2014

yamaha ambil ja dari indoprix kan kelamaan dibibit disitu masa ga naik2 ampe bosen juaranya makan bebek mulu lumayan gantiin gogon yg kayanya balapnya ogah2an


9. Ki Sanak - 9 Juli 2014

hal tersebut merupakan kabar gembira untuk
kita semua, dan sebenarnya kabar ini sudah
bisa ditebak sejak gosip kemaren, ya to?
kabar gembira untuk kita semua,kulit manggis kini ada ekstraknya


10. ☆☆☆ - 9 Juli 2014

Jorge Lorenzo mudah”an keluar dari YAMAHA dan di gantikan oleh ALEIX ESPARGARO. Amin ya Allah …………


daniel - 9 Juli 2014



11. Anonim - 9 Juli 2014

ane saranin, bikin postingan Tips Mudik, Cara cek motor sebelum mudik


12. cicak kreatip.com - 9 Juli 2014
13. abianfr - 9 Juli 2014

Monggo Silakan Berkomentar< Bebas Sopan< mohon maaf jika belum dibalas< Matur Nuwun :D